Before Buying Read MaleExtra Testimonials

MaleExtra Testimonials

Before Buying Read MaleExtra Testimonials
Before Buying Read MaleExtra Testimonials


1.  Bigger penis

“I have never been happy with my penis size. Even as an adult I have felt self conscious that my size and have often wrecked relationships with my paranoia. MaleExtra has helped to change all that. I tried their nutritious pills 6 weeks ago and I have already noticed a significant difference in my penis size. Even my ejaculations volumes have doubled which has been great for my sex life.” – Ryan Mills, Account Executive, USA, Chicago


2.  Harder erections

“In the last 6 years I have found it increasingly harder to maintain an erection. Mid-performance my penis would always suddenly become flax and 60% of the time I wouldn’t be able to recover it. Luckily my wife is understanding, but unsurprisingly this has dented my confidence levels.

I heard about MaleExtra from mate at work and figured I hadn’t got much left to lose, but the difference this dual action system has made to my erections is incredible. Their penile training exercises in particular have helped me to train my penis, harden my erections and triple my sexual performance.” – Phillip Reagon, Store Manager, UK, Edinburgh


3. Increased stamina

“I wouldn’t say that I’m ‘quick in the bedroom’ department, but age has definitely taken its toll on my stamina levels. I work 40 hours days and by the time I get home I just haven’t got the energy to satisfy my partner.


I have tried other methods in the past jelqing etc but none have really worked to increase my staying power. Fortunately, I discovered MaleExtra 3 months ago and not only has it helped me to boost my staying power, but my penis size has grown by an extra 2.1 inches, I am able to ejaculate further and our orgasms have been incredible.” – Thomas Higgins, Accountant, USA, Los Angeles


4. Increased orgasms

“I tried MaleExtra only a month ago and I cannot stop shouting about it. I wasn’t expecting to experience so many benefits, but within days of trying their pills and PenisHealth exercises I noticed that my erections with firmer and harder, my stamina had increased but more astonishingly my orgasms lasted twice as long.

My wife loves the new me as not only has my penis increased in size by an inch, but she too is experiencing much more satisfying orgasms,” – Tim Wilks, Property developer, Australia

5. Multiple orgasms

“I have experimented with jelqing in the past, but have always got frustrated when hours later my penis returned to its original size. I began using MaleExtra 2 months ago and love the effect this dual action system has had on my love life.

The exercises are incredibly easy to do and only 8 minutes long, meaning there is not much prep work. Yet the difference these simple exercises have made to my penis size still leaves me in shock. So far I have managed to increase my penis size by 1.9 inches, but my favourite feature has to be the multiple orgasms. I have always wondered what my wife was on about, but now I totally get how truly satisfying they are. Thanks MaleExtra.”  - James Long, Gym Instructor, USA, New York

6.  Bigger ejaculations

“Where to start… I began taking MaleExtra 6 weeks ago and the results have been fantastic. Aside from being incredibly easy to use, these nutritional pills when combined with their penile training exercises make it the ideal male enhancement product.

Already my ejaculation volumes have tripled, my penis has increased by over an inch and my partner can’t keep her hands off me. With MaleExtra’s support it won’t be long until we hear the patter of little feet. Thanks!”  - Chris Mills, Store Manager, UK, London

7.  Increased control and virility

“Your penile training exercises are so simple, yet so effective at increasing your control. Your dual action system has done wonders for my sex life as I am now able to maintain an erection for longer, produce more ejaculate and keep my girlfriend 100% satisfied. Boosting my penis size too has been a complete bonus.” – Andy Speil, Web designer, USA, Michigan

8.  Trained penis

“I have always been embarrassed by my performance in the bedroom. One girlfriend once asked me if I was actually hard which was not only humiliating but really dampened the mood. I’ve tried jelqing in the past and found it a bit time consuming and really impractical as it hard to be spontaneous when you need to do these exercises first.


When I heard about MaleExtra on the web I decided to give it a go and I am so glad I did. Through the dual action system of their pills and training exercises I have managed to boost my blood flows and seriously train my penis into being harder and firmer when erect. I doubt I’ll ever get asked whether I am hard or not again. Thanks guys.” – Daniel Bilton, Online marketer, USA, Boston

9.  Better sex life –supercharges

“Me and my wife have been trying for a baby for the last 8 months, and the stress of trying has really put a dampener on our sex life. All the fun and vitality had really gone out of the relationship.

When I heard about the numerous health benefits the MaleExtra system can create, I decided to give it a try and in all honesty it has put the spark right back into our relationship. My penis has already grown by 1.35 inches in length, my stamina has increased three-fold but more importantly I am able to shoot out 4 times more ejaculate. Won’t be long now…” – Craig Timmons, Bank Manager, UK, Manchester

10. Better than Viagra

“Since hitting my 50’s I have tried a number of different methods to help revitalise my sex life – even Viagra. But all these different methods screwed with my health and left my penis feeling incredibly sore. When I heard about the effects pomegranate can have on your libido I decided to give MaleExtra a try and begin doing their PenisHealth exercises.


The effects have been great! My libido is stronger than ever – maybe even better than when I was in my 20’s – my stamina has increased, my orgasms are longer and as a bonus my penis length has increased by 1.2inches.” – George Hilton, Clerk, USA, Philadelphia


11. Improved fertility

“It may sound clichéd but MaleExtra has really made a difference to my sex life, ejaculation volumes and overall penile health. I got told 6 months ago that my sperm count was low which really helped to put into perspective what I wanted out of life. Me and my wife have half heartedly been trying for a baby for a year, so to hear this news made me feel pretty inadequate.


I began researching into natural methods and came across a review for MaleExtra on the web. I was really impressed with the scientific studies so I decided to give it a try and 3 months on my erections are harder, my ejaculation volumes have increased and my penis is more trained. Hopefully we will hear good news soon…” – Matthew Taylor, PR Manager, USA, New York

12.  Treatment for premature ejaculation

“I can’t describe how embarrassing it is to ejaculate when you have only just got started. I have had a few understanding partners in the past, but constantly having to apologise and watch their disappointment is gut wrenching. I have tried jelqing and traction devices over the years, but none really offered a long term solution. Yet after trying MaleExtra 3 and a half months ago, I have already noticed a significant improvement in my penis size, ejaculation volumes and my lasting power. I hardly ever ejaculate early now – much to my girlfriend’s satisfaction – and hopefully I should soon be rid of it for good.” – Steven Neale, Law student, UK, Birmingham

13.  Cured erectile dysfunction

“I began using MaleExtra 5 months ago and I can confidently say that erectile dysfunction is no longer a part of my life. I have struggled to keep relationships over the years because of my problem, but with the support of MaleExtra’s PenisHealth exercises I am now the one in control of my sexual satisfaction.” – Toby Cullens, Developer, USA, Connecticut

14.  Improved sexual health – prostate

“I got diagnosed with an enlarged prostate about a year ago which as you can imagine completely made having sex a problem. Aside from the treatment my doctors prescribed, I began trying natural remedies to help reduce the negative effects. I discovered MaleExtra whilst I was searching a review site and was impressed by the quality of their ingredients. Two months on my sexual health has improved dramatically. My prostate is less inflamed, my erections are harder and more to the point my penis is an inch longer too.”  - David Ealing, Paralegal secretary, USA, Los Angeles

15.  Rapid penis enlargement

“I can’t believe how fast my penis has grown. I only began using MaleExtra and their PenisHealth exercises a month ago and within days my penis was harder, firmer, easier to train and an inch longer. Even traction devices cannot provide such rapid enhancements.” – Rick Kilton, Teacher, Australia

16. Bigger penis

“Even when I have an erection, my penis has never really been much to look at. In the past I have experimented with penis pumps, pills and exercises, but it has only been with MaleExtra that I have been able to achieve permanent noticeable differences. In a month my erections were firmer, my stamina had increased and I felt more in control of my performance. But the real winner for me was the boost MaleExtra gave to my blood flows and penis size. So far I have managed to increase by penis by an inch when flaccid and 1.6 inches when erect. I can’t wait to see where I’ll be in 4 months. Thanks” – Rob Davies, Solicitor, UK, London

17. Harder erections

“The hardness of my erections has always influenced the strength of my orgasms and ejaculate volumes. The less firm I am, the shorter I last. When my partner suggested I try MaleExtra I was a bit sceptical, yet after doing further research and looking into their clinical trials I felt confident it could help. And it has! Their penile training exercises in particular plus their nutritious pills have really helped to harden my erections and boost my stamina no end, thanks guys.” – Jonathan Ball, Marketing assistant, USA, Boston

18. Increased stamina

“When I started taking MaleExtra I never expected more than to boost my penis size. Yet an added bonus of their penile training exercises has to be the power it has given me to control my 2 inch increases and staying power. I have no problem giving my girlfriend multiple orgasms now or even going for round two.” – Richard Bells, Stock clerk, Australia

19. Longer orgasms

“My orgasms have never really been anything to shout about. Within seconds it would all be over and half the time I would wonder ‘what is the point?’ Yet when my partner told me that she had been faking, it kind of put in perspective that my orgasms were influencing hers too. I began taking MaleExtra and the difference was instant. By helping to training my penis and boost my ejaculate volumes, my orgasms are nearly 3 times as long. I no longer have to worry if she is having a good time too. I can tell…” – David Jones, Manager, UK, Kent

20.  Multiple orgasms

“I have always wondered what all the fuss was about when it came to multiple orgasms, but after taking MaleExtra I completely get it. It is an incredible feeling to know that both me and my girlfriend are BOTH getting a kick out of my new and improved penis. I definitely plan to keep on taking it.” – Paul Wilks, Managing Director, USA, New York


21.  Bigger ejaculations

There is no doubting these days whether or not I am having a good time. Since introducing MaleExtra into my life, my ejaculation volumes have increased no end from a simple teaspoon to... well, let’s say a lot. Even my penis size has dramatically improved in size. My girlfriend cannot get over the transformation and keeps asking what I’ve done to change my performance.” Ed Collins, Builder, USA, Texas

22. Increased control and virility

“I can confidently say that I am now the one who is in control of my sex life. Suffering from premature ejaculations has always dominated and hindered my performance, yet since taking MaleExtra and adopting their penile training exercises, coming early is no longer a problem. In fact I have never felt more in control of my performance which has done wonders for my sex life. My libido is through the roof...”  - Howard Milton, Surveyor, UK, Milton Keynes

23. Trained penis

“It is easy to forget now how much my penile issues used to dominate my relationships, especially because of my penis size. I have always tried to compensate with my performance and until recently I thought I was doing pretty well. That is until I heard my girlfriend complaining to a friend on the phone about my lack of control and co-ordination. Although we soon split up after, I became determined to train my penis and that is when I discovered MaleExtra. Within a matter of days of taking their supplements and performing their 8 minute exercises I rapidly noticed a difference in the firmness, strength and power of my penis. My orgasms lasted twice as long, and even my penis has increased in size by an extra 2 inches. It’s incredible...” – Jacob Norton, Gym instructor, USA, Tennessee

24.  Better sex life –supercharges

“I can’t get over how easy to use MaleExtra is. Even your penile training exercises are only 8 minutes long, making them more than an ideal performance boost. Within minutes I am ready to drive my girlfriend wild and she loves the confidence these supplements have given me. With so much extra ejaculate, penile strength and length to work with, she can’t leave me alone.” – Dean Pope, Sales Rep, USA, Chicago

25.  Better than Viagra

“MaleExtra is better than Viagra and that is saying a lot. Since hitting my 40’s my erections and sexual stamina have waned, yet being a sexually active guy I have tried a number of methods to enhance my performance. MaleExtra has helped me to do just that with none of the risks, dangers or soreness that accompanies Viagra. It has even helped me to increase my penis size by 1.5 inches when erect! Definitely one I would recommend to others who are looking for 100% natural enhancements.”- Richard Clarke, Lawyer, Australia

26.  Improved fertility

“I can’t thank you guys enough for MaleExtra. After 2 years of trying, me and my partner are finally having a baby and it is all thanks to you. Within days of trying MaleExtra and practicing your penile exercises my erections were harder, my penis longer and my ejaculate volumes were more than 5 times larger.”  - Ben Phillips, Pharmacist, US, Canada

27.  Treatment for premature ejaculation

“Since I was a teenager I have always suffered from premature ejaculation. I suppose in many ways it is one of the reasons I have not had many relationships and why they have never lasted long. I was always paranoid that they would laugh or think I was less than a man. MaleExtra has helped me to change all that. Compared to some penile pills and exercises, this dual action system works and give you a variety of benefits. After a month my penis size had increased by an inch, my penis was more trained and premature ejaculation became a distant memory.” – James Delton, Broker, USA, Orange County

28.  Cured erectile dysfunction

“I just want to thank you for the difference you have made to my confidence, stamina and overall penile health. Erectile dysfunction can affect any man and it can be soul destroying the longer it goes on. But your supplements and training exercises have made a real difference to my sex life. I am now in control of my staying power and premature ejaculations no longer exist. Plus managing to improve my orgasms and penis size has seriously sparked a side of me that I didn’t know existed. I am now no longer afraid to experiment.” – Toby Kiln, Electrician, USA, Baltimore

29.  Improved sexual health – prostate

“As I have gotten older, my penis has not worked like it used to – partly because of my prostate. After reading on the internet about the nutritional health benefits MaleExtra can have on your penile health I decided to give it a try and already my doctor has noted a difference in the health and inflammation of my prostate. Boosting my size by 2 inches has also been a complete bonus and has definitely added a little spice back into my relationship.” – Jason Maguire, Plumber, UK, Cardiff

30. Rapid penis enlargement

“It used to be embarrassing having a penis that is only 3 inches long when erect, but with MaleExtra’s support this is no longer a problem. I began taking MaleExtra 4 months ago and my penis has already increased in size by 3 inches. I still can’t believe how fast these simple pills have worked to enhance my penis size.” – Nick Cooper, IT Technician, USA, Los Angeles

31. Bigger penis

“What can I say... feeling self conscious about my penis size no longer influences my sexual performance. Since MaleExtra has helped me to boost my penis size by 2.4 inches, my sexual appetite has been unstoppable. Instead of wondering how they feel about my penis size, I have been able to train my penis, harden my erections and triple my staying power. It’s fantastic.” – Lee Bolton, Chef, USA,  California

32. Harder erections

“I never put much thought into how my erections could affect my overall sexual experience, but MaleExtra has helped me to see how powerful having rock hard erections can be. Not only is my girlfriend experiencing extremely intense orgasms, but this increased sense of control that accompanies having a harder penis has helped me to even experience multiple orgasms. I’ll never doubt the benefits of penile training again.” – Carl Belton, Finance executive, UK, Lincoln

33. Increased stamina

“Wow.... I have only been taking MaleExtra for 4 weeks, but not only has my penis noticeably grown in size by an extra inch but my stamina has also rapidly increased. Neither me or my partner feels rushed into helping the other to climax faster. I am now able to take my time and ensure that she is fully satisfied, again and again and again.” – Taylor Rhymes, Product Manager, USA, Florida

34. Increased orgasms

“It wasn’t until I tried MaleExtra 3 and a half months ago that I truly realised what I was missing in the bedroom department. Initially I was only looking to train my penis and maybe enhance my penis size, but MaleExtra has managed to do all that and much, much more. So far my penis has grown by 2.6 inches in length, my erections have become harder, I am able to ejaculate further and more powerfully, and my orgasms have been mind blowing. Thank you so much.” – Kyle Lennings, IFA, USA, Alaska

35.  Multiple orgasms

“I am never going to joke about multiple orgasms ever again. I had always thought they were a made up myth to make guys feel inadequate, but since trying MaleExtra 2 months ago to help enhance my penis size, I no longer doubt their existence. Not only has my penis grown by 1.8 inches, but my erections are harder and more intense, my virility has increased bounds and my orgasms are simply incredible. I regularly experience multiple ones which has even got my girlfriend grinning from ear to ear.” – Toby Hitchcock, Business Executive, Australia, Melbourne


36.  Bigger ejaculations

“I began taking MaleExtra 4 months ago and didn’t initially put much merit into what their additional penile exercises could do. After all what difference can 8 minutes of penile training make? Yet I was pleasantly surprised to find that aside from helping to train the muscles within my penis and boost my length by 3 inches, the unique combination of MaleExtra’s nutrients with these exercises has helped me to attain bigger ejaculations. The volumes are immense, but are worth every mg to watch the smile on my partners face.” – Chris Wilts, Police Officer, UK, Essex

37.  Increased control and virility

“I love the control MaleExtra’s exercises have helped me to implement on my penis. I never expected to notice such a significant increase in libido, virility and my staying power, but these 34 simple exercises have helped me to harness my sexual appetite and experience wholly intense orgasms.” – Luke Cain, CEO, USA, Illinois

38.  Trained penis

“I have used jelqing in the past, but have been pretty disappointed by the brevity of its results. MaleExtra helps to give you what is missing. The unique combination of its nutritionally enriched pills with its 8 minute exercises helps you first to increase your penile blood flows before helping you to train, improve and permanently enhance your penis size. It is astounding what simple procedures can help to dramatically improve your sex life.” – Ben Towers, Graduate, UK, Oxford

39.  Better sex life –supercharges

“The proof is in the pudding as the saying goes, and MaleExtra is one pudding definitely worth trying. I was blown away by the results this simple pill could have on my sex life. In one unique system I have been able to supercharge my sex life, triple my stamina, harden my erections and ultimately boost my penis size by an extra 2 inches.” – Martin Steele, Market Researcher, USA, Arizona

40.  Better than Viagra

“I have never been one for using synthetic products, so when I heard about MaleExtra’s organic ingredients I was interested in trying it. To call it an aphrodisiac is an understatement. Within days of trying it my libido was bouncing off the walls and I couldn’t wait to try out my firmer, harder, trained erections. The fact that I have managed to naturally boost my penis size by 2 inches is proof of how powerful this dual action system is.” – Mike Nolton, Herbalist, USA, Vermont


41.  Improved fertility

“I have read loads of medical studies which claim that bigger penises, harder erections and increased ejaculate can help to boost your fertility, but I never really believed them until I tried MaleExtra. Within 3 months of trying this nutritious supplement, my wife is pregnant and I am a whole 2 inches longer. I didn’t expect it to work so fast.” – Clive Nole, Dentist, USA, Washington

42.  Treatment for premature ejaculation

“My erectile problems have started later in life and have been all the more crushing because losing an erection has never been a problem before. I started by taking Viagra but I hated the effects it had on my body, so when I heard about the natural qualities of MaleExtra I thought it was worth a try. And it was worth every penny. My erections are harder than ever, my ejaculate and orgasm volumes have grown substantially and my penis is an incredible 1 and a half inches longer. Thanks.” – Roger Young, Landlord, UK, Nottingham

43.  Cured erectile dysfunction

“After having surgery to enlarge my penis 5 years ago I have struggled to maintain an erection. Yet since incorporating MaleExtra’s nutritional pills with their PenisHealth exercises, I am now able to maintain erections for longer, experience stronger more intensified orgasms and have boosted my penis size by an additional inch.” – Nigel Stout, Broker, Australia

44.  Improved sexual health – prostate

“My penis is healthier than ever and it is all thanks to MaleExtra. It is incredible what I have managed to achieve since introducing its pills and exercises into my life. My penis is stronger and more trained, my sexual appetite has rapidly increased and my penis size has well… increased by 2 inches.” – Chris Howard, Banker, USA, Alabama

45.  Rapid penis enlargement

“I have used penis pumps before and found them to be very temporary, so I was more than pleasantly surprised when MaleExtra helped me to permanently boost my penis size by 1.7 inches in over a month. Even my partner is shocked by how rapidly my penis has grown in size. Yet she wouldn’t change the new me for the world. She can’t keep her hands off me.” – Will Timpson, Gym Instructor, USA, South Carolina

46. Bigger penis

“Wow is all I can say. Within just 2 months of trying MaleExtra my penis has grown by 3 inches and my sexual appetite has shot through the roof.  And it is permanent too… no need for Viagra or penis pumps ever again.” – Daniel Oakes, Editor, UK, London

47.  Harder erections

“I can’t thank you guys enough. With the help of your 8 minute PenisHealth exercises, my erections are harder than ever. And these exercises are so simple to do too which makes these results all the more fantastic. My orgasms are more intense, my penis is longer… I can literally see the blood pumping into my erections.” – Ray Owen, Lecturer, USA, Iowa

48. Increased stamina

“I’ll never be a 2 minute man again. With the support of MaleExtra and your penile training exercises I am now able to last at least 5 times longer and ensure that my partner climaxes every time. I no longer have to worry about coming before I am ready. We are both able to appreciate longer more intensified orgasms, plus the huge benefits of my 2.1 penile length increases.” – Darryl Townsend, Financer, USA, Virginia

49. Increased orgasms

“I used to think my orgasms were pretty impressive, but I now know differently since taking MaleExtra. Originally all I hoped to achieve was a thicker longer penis, but now I am able to appreciate longer, intense orgasms which are powered by my increased ejaculate and harder penis.” – Toby Shire, Bouncer, USA, California

 Multiple orgasms

“I recommend MaleExtra to anyone looking to boost their penis size and add some spice back into their relationship. Within a week of doing your 8 minute penile training exercises, my orgasms were noticeably longer and I even managed to have a multiple orgasm. I thought only women got those, but evidently not. Thanks guys.” – Owen Clark, Mechanic, UK, London

Before Buying Read MaleExtra Testimonials Before Buying Read MaleExtra Testimonials Reviewed by James on May 02, 2020 Rating: 5
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