What is Her Idea of The Ideal Penis Size?

What is Her Idea of The Ideal Penis Size?

What is Her Idea of The Ideal Penis Size
What is Her Idea of The Ideal Penis Size

When it comes to penis size statistics, everybody is interested! What is the average? Is it true that people of African descent are the biggest? What was the largest penis size ever recorded? But really, the only penis size statistic you should be interested in knowing is what size women (maybe even just that one specific woman in your own life) prefer.


There are a lot of theories that have been put forward about this over the ages – for example the Kama Sutra, the famous Indian text that advises on having a fulfilling sex life, says that what is important is how big a man is in proportion to his partner when it comes to whether or not he can satisfy her. Surveys of modern women, however, reveal a different story.


It seems that while no study has agreed on a specific number, one thing that women around the world seem to agree on is that bigger is better. An anonymous survey of over 1250 women by online opinion site Mister Poll revealed that 51% of women are more excited by a “huge” penis (which for the purposes of the survey was defined as over 9 inches long), and 35% preferred a “big” penis – defined as between 7 and 9 inches. Add this up and a huge 86% of women reported that they wanted a penis that was well above average. Only 7 of the respondents – less than 1% - preferred a below average penis size. These results are typical of other similar polls and surveys.


So, if what women truly believe is that bigger is better and only a very tiny minority like them small, what can a man do to boost his chances? According to these figures, even a man with what the survey considered to be a “big” penis would need to get himself into the “huge” category to meet with the majority of women's standards.


Happily, there are things men can do to increase both size and girth permanently and with no risk or negative side effects. Where in the past surgery was the only real option, with all the associated risk and expense, now it is possible to easily buy penis extenders like the Jes Extender or Male Edge extender which when used regularly, stretch the penis gently, causing it to naturally grow by way of a traction effect. Men using the best penis extenders have seen average increases of 28% within six months, showing that it is not only possible, but easy to make your penis much more desirable to women.

What is Her Idea of The Ideal Penis Size? What is Her Idea of The Ideal Penis Size? Reviewed by James on May 03, 2020 Rating: 5
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