How to enhance & retain your erection naturally

How to enhance & retain your erection naturally?

Top hints & tips…

How to enhance & retain your erection naturally
How to enhance & retain your erection naturally


While the medical treatment (allopathic medicine) has become the norm in many cultures, it is not the only treatment option for erectile dysfunction or impotency in males. It is true that conventional Western medicine (often called allopathic or orthodox medicine) is the system of medicine taught at most medical schools, and many pharmaceutical and synthetic medicines are manufactured and marketed according to the principles of allopathic medicine.

However, having grown up in a society in which using medical drugs is the prevailing norm, we often forget that only a few decades ago, homeopathic, herbal and other natural medicines were commonly available and freely used even by conventional doctors. While there are often heated debates about which system of medicine is ‘better’ than the other, many responsible doctors (whether they are allopathic or not) recognize that both have a role to play in the treatment program. Also, every allopathic medicine or medical drug has its own share of side effects or undesirable consequences and this fact has been universally established after decades of extensive research, numerous studies and thousands of clinical trials.

Therefore, today, more and more people are now turning towards safer, natural, cheaper and effective options that would produce “permanent” results. Some of those options have been summarized here in the form of the various hints and tips:


Top natural hints & tips for better, firmer & longer erections

· Eat a healthy, balanced diet that is rich in fresh vegetables, fruit and fish

· Exercise regularly to increase stamina, improve circulation and fitness levels

· If you are overweight, lose excess weight in a healthy, natural way

· Increase your intake of vitamin supplements such as vitamin A and D

· Manage your stress levels by listening to music, running or partaking in a detox program

· Learn as much as you can about impotence, the more you know, the more you will be able to find a solution that best suits your lifestyle

· Limit your intake of alcohol and stop smoking naturally

· Avoid using recreational drugs, as they contribute to impotency problems

· Communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your problem because you are going to need their support

· Together with your partner, try alternative methods to obtain sexual satisfaction and pleasure

How to enhance & retain your erection naturally How to enhance & retain your erection naturally Reviewed by James on May 02, 2020 Rating: 5
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